Indonesian Grammar: undestanding prefix me-
Bahasa Indonesia uses prefixes and suffixes to modify the meaning and function of words. Prefixes are added before the root word (kata dasar), while suffixes are attached at the end. These additions can transform nouns into verbs, adjectives into adverbs, and so on. The "me-" prefix is used to form verbs, making it a valuable tool for expressing actions.
It is important to understand how the prefixes and sufixes work in Indonesian. It enables us to be able to recognize words with the same or similar meanings even if they are quite different. For example sapu (broom) and menyapu (to sweep). Both words have the same root even if they are quite different.
Function of the prefix me-
In Indonesian, the prefix "me-" is used to form active verbs from nouns, adjectives, or base verbs. The addition of this prefix can indicate an action or process associated with the root word. Basically when a we are using active voice we use a verb formed with prefix me-. For example: Saya membeli pakaian (I buy clothes). In informal speech the me- prefix is sometimes omitted.
Rules for using prefix me-
The prefix me actually has different forms depending on the root word (kata dasar). It can have the form of: me-, meng-, men-, mem-, meny-. In some cases the first letter of the root word is removed. According to the following rules:
Removing the first letter of the root word
If the root word starts with k, t, s or p and the root word has two syllables and the second letter is a vowel then the first letter of the root word is removed. Examples:
- kata (word) - mengatakan (to say)
- pukul (hit) - memukul (to hit)
- sapu (broom) - menyapu (to sweep)
- tutup (close) - menutup (to close)
Using the prefix me-
If the root word starts with l, m, n, r, w, y the prefix to create an action verb is is me-
- masak (cook) - memasak (to cook)
- lempar (throw) - melempar (to throw)
- lihat (see) - melihat (to see)
Using the prefix men-
If the root word starts with c, d, j, t, z the prefix to create an action verb is is men-
- jual (sell) - menjual (to sell)
- dapat (get) - mendapat (to get)
- dengar (hear) - mendengar (to hear)
Using the prefix mem-
If the root word starts with b, f, p, v the prefix to create an action verb is is mem-
- pilih (choose) - memilih (to choose)
- beli (buy) - membeli (to buy)
- baca (read) - membaca (to read)
Using the prefix meng-
If the root word starts with g, h, k, q, x or a vowel the prefix to create an action verb is is meng-
- ambil (take) - mengambil (to take)
- gambar (draw) - menggambar (to draw)
- hapus (erase) - menghapus (to erase)
Using the prefix meny-
If the root word starts with s the prefix to create an action verb is is meny-
- sapu (sweep) - menyapu (to sweep)
- saring (filter) - menyaring (to filter)
- sapa (greet) - menyapa (to greet)